
3 Foods That Cause Indigestion and Udar Sanjivani Home Remedy for Indigestion

 Indigestion relief is a complex subject. These are stressful times and the best stress relief for most of us is eating something delicious. But this means that we often end up overeating, which leads to feelings of uneasiness that eventually impact our metabolism. But why do we feel this discomfort so often? Indigestion is a very unnerving feeling. The reason for this discomfort can range from your eating habits to lifestyle to food choices or underlying health disorders like constipation, diarrhea or IBS. Bad digestion and imbalanced bowel movements have a significant impact on your health in the long run. So, the following are a few foods that you should avoid to prevent indigestion and acid reflux. Food Items That Become Causes of Indigestion Citrus Juices Citrus drinks can cause heartburn and indigestion. They aggravate the issue and cause indigestion and acid reflux, especially if you have an underlying issue of acidity. Other than that, consuming too much citrus fruits trigger

Can Drinking More Water Really Make You Lose Weight?

While there’s no way you'll ever lose weight overnight simply by drinking water before bed (or any other time of day), drinking water to lose weight is not nearly as crazy as it sounds. Supplements like Tribaslim advocate drinking at least 8  glasses of water a day.                  After all, 60% of your body is made up of water. This means this life-giving liquid  plays a role in just about every function in the body. The more hydrated you are, the more efficiently your body will fulfill tasks ranging from thinking to burning body fat. Water can aid with weight loss in many ways. It reduces your appetite, boosts your metabolism, and also aids in exercise making it easier and more efficient - all of these can contribute to results on the scale. While there are many factors and behaviors that can affect your body weight, if your goal is long-term, moderate weight loss, you need to start by making sure that you're drinking enough water. Does drinking water help you lose weigh