Can Drinking More Water Really Make You Lose Weight?

While there’s no way you'll ever lose weight overnight simply by drinking water

before bed (or any other time of day), drinking water to lose weight is not nearly

as crazy as it sounds. Supplements like Tribaslim advocate drinking at least 8  glasses of water a day.


After all, 60% of your body is made up of water. This means this life-giving liquid 

plays a role in just about every function in the body. The more hydrated you are,

the more efficiently your body will fulfill tasks ranging from thinking to burning

body fat.

Water can aid with weight loss in many ways. It reduces your appetite, boosts your

metabolism, and also aids in exercise making it easier and more efficient - all of

these can contribute to results on the scale.

While there are many factors and behaviors that can affect your body weight, if

your goal is long-term, moderate weight loss, you need to start by making sure that

you're drinking enough water.

Does drinking water help you lose weight?

1. Drinking water stimulates metabolism

Drinking cold water boosts your metabolism. This is because your body works a

little harder when trying to warm it up, which allows you to burn more calories.

This process is called thermogenesis.

A study found that drinking half a litre of water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch,

and dinner leads to weight loss and reduced BMIs with no other lifestyle or dietary

changes. This weight loss occurs as a result of water-induced thermogenesis. You

need to have the right water intake for weight loss .

2. Water naturally suppresses appetite

When the stomach senses that it is satisfied, it sends your brain signals to stop

eating. What water does is take up space in the stomach. This leads to a feeling of

fullness and reduced hunger.

A person may also feel that they are hungry when they are really just thirsty.

Drinking a glass of water before you look for something to eat can put a stop to

unnecessary cravings for snacks.

3. Eliminates waste

When the body is dehydrated, it finds it hard to excrete wastes properly. Water

helps the kidneys efficiently filter out both toxins and waste, while retaining vital

nutrients and electrolytes. Dehydration causes retention of fluid which leads to

constipation. It also eliminates waste by softening the excretion. Also, waste build

up in the body can make you feel swollen, bloated, and fatigued and increase

inches of weight around your waist. Water is very important to avoid retaining

waste and also to lose a few kilos.

4. Drinking water can help you burn fat

Your body is capable of burning fat naturally and converting it to energy. This is

known as lipolysis, and water is very important for this process. Lipolysis is the

process through which your body breaks down fat. The first step in this process is

known as hydrolysis. This is a process where your body adds water to fat to break

it down. When you start drinking more, it causes an increase in lipolysis and

therefore an increase in metabolism.

5. Drinking water reduces cravings for high-calorie foods

Dehydration makes you feel fatigued and irritable, and this is when you might turn

to comforting, refined carbohydrates and sugar for a good boost of energy.

Carbohydrates get digested quickly and also raises blood sugar levels quickly. This

releases mood-boosting serotonin and satiating hormones.

Now, just drinking water is not enough. Weight loss is a task that requires a

combination of self-discipline and strength. No matter how much water you drink,

you cannot achieve weight loss without the right diet or exercise. Diets may be

hard to do but you can make the process easier with supplements like Tribaslim

Drops . These ayurvedic drops boosts metabolism and reduces appetite. This

ensures maximum success for your diet. Just eat a normal healthy diet and make

Tribaslim Ayurvedic Medicine a part of your routine and nothing can stop you

from losing weight.

To buy Tribaslim just call +91 9229100256 or place your order online from


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