3 Foods That Cause Indigestion and Udar Sanjivani Home Remedy for Indigestion

 Indigestion relief is a complex subject. These are stressful times and the best

stress relief for most of us is eating something delicious. But this means that we

often end up overeating, which leads to feelings of uneasiness that eventually

impact our metabolism. But why do we feel this discomfort so often?

Indigestion is a very unnerving feeling. The reason for this discomfort can range

from your eating habits to lifestyle to food choices or underlying health disorders

like constipation, diarrhea or IBS. Bad digestion and imbalanced bowel

movements have a significant impact on your health in the long run.

So, the following are a few foods that you should avoid to prevent indigestion and

acid reflux.

Food Items That Become Causes of Indigestion

Citrus Juices

Citrus drinks can cause heartburn and indigestion. They aggravate the issue and

cause indigestion and acid reflux, especially if you have an underlying issue of

acidity. Other than that, consuming too much citrus fruits triggers heartburn,

because of the high level of citric acid present in these fruits. Hence, you should be

careful while eating or drinking citrus foods.

Spicy Foods

Spices like red chillies and peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, that

brings down the rate of digestion, leading to a slowdown in the process of breaking

food molecules. This chain of events are responsible for causing acid reflux and

indigestion.Also, too much spicy food in the diet affects your esophagus and

causes inflammation. This can also lead to indigestion and discomfort.


When the sugar cane extracts for the jaggery are not filtered properly, it makes it

vulnerable to the development of bacteria and pathogens. Hence, eating too much

jaggery can affect both your health and digestion. So, if you want to reap the

benefits of jaggery, it is advised to consume only a small portion.

Other than these, if you’re suffering from indigestion and acidity, you can also

look for ayurvedic medicines. Udar Sanjivani is an Ayurvedic Treatment For

Indigestion that is made from a mixture of various specific herbs and natural

ingredients that promote a healthy gastrointestinal system. It is an all-in-one

solution that gives you the benefits of home remedies without any effort. Udar

Sanjivani is an Ayurvedic Home Remedy For Stomach Problems that relies on

completely natural ingredients to give you the most effective Indigestion

Treatment possible.

For more information on Udar Sanjivani, please visit https://udarsanjivani.com/ or

call +91 - 9229135024


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